time for toe socks and pink, fuzzy slippers!!!! Yeah, we're having a few days of "Winter" here in Miami. Sadly, I fear that tomorrow we'll be back to our typical hot, humid, armpit-sweating days that make me wonder why the heck we live here :(
I've been wanting to blog for the past few weeks, but Typepad has been freezing up and deleting my posts--probably because I tried to post a picture of this:
Remember my son's groovy little GHETTO-MOBILE?
Yeah, it's seen better days.
Don't be a hater.
We kept the wheels.
Christopher and I had a long talk about saving the planet and we BOTH agreed that this would be his little contribution.
And now the Earth and my teeny weeny house will be so much "cleaner".
U and I both know that the little ghetto-mobile was driving me
I know that I promised to blog regularly.
My life is just not cooperating.
I have been working on some layouts. I have 8 scattered across my house and I'm working on them simultaneously, heehee. Hopefully I'll have them finished soon.
I do have one SIMPLE layout that I completed yesterday.
It's not my typical chunky-layered style. But I like it nonetheless.
It's about Alexander's newfound appreciation for Dunkin' Donuts' coffee and coffee rolls...yum. Man, I wish I had one of those right now. But we're on this stupid budget AND I no longer have a gym membership :( So now I can't stuff myself with coffee rolls and massive amounts of junk food :(
Okay sillies. Alexander drinks DECAF!!!!! For real? My boys have enough "natural caffeine" to power the entire universe! I didn't have enough letters to spell out "decaf coffee" and that would look stupid on my layout, heehee :)
Christopher made the Kumon North America Math honor roll. He ranks number 3,235 out of 11,468, heehee :)
He's so cute, walking around exclaiming, "Mom, I'm number 3,235!" Gotta love how cute 6 year olds are and how even being number 3,235 is fantastic!
Jessica, Jessica, Jessica...thank you for being so patient in waiting for your RAK. I had to replace a few things. It appears that my son likes Webster's pages as well. Your box will go in the mail with a few extra goodies to make up for the fact that you've had to wait so long.
My friend Iris Babao Uy is hosting an online class where the proceeds will go to the victims of Ondoy. The cost of the class is only $5.00 and starts on November 6th. If you're interested, visit here
One last thing to share. It was Crazy Hat Day at my boys' school on Tuesday. Christopher chose not to participate but still wanted to be in the pictures with Alexander. They are both so goofy.
Not the happiest-looking shot, but they look calm, right?
And then Alexander has to start with the bunny ears...
Which really aren't so funny when Christopher joins in.
and this continues back and forth...
back and forth...
Until I decided that I've captured the perfect moment...